Sporten > Groepslessen > AEROBIC 3FF3CT


Houd je van all-inclusive formules, opzwepende muziek en aerobic?



Kom dan zeker meedoen met AEROBIC 3FF3CT! Tijdens deze workout gebruik je bewust je lichaam en worden specifieke aerobic bewegingen gecombineerd met kracht-, flexibiliteit– en stabiliteitsoefeningen.


Deze full body workout is ideaal om de vetverbranding te stimuleren en vormspanning te creëren.


[Sports District provides premium workouts of high quality, being very accessible and including a lot of fun. All our workout programs are carefully designed out of a passion for fitness and health, including the music which is specially made for the workouts by Belgian music producers. Sports District workouts are available at all fitness levels and offer different levels per exercise to customize the workout. Our goal is to enjoy moving, sweating, laughing and dancing. Together!

Our workout programs can be attended in gyms & studios officially licensed by Sports District and will only be teached by certified instructors.]


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